
For Young People

Do you ever feel stressed, tense or worried because of life problems? Does it feel like you just can’t find a solution? If you answered yes to these questions, then our app might be for you!  

POD Adventures teaches a skill called “problem-solving” which involves learning steps for finding solutions to stressful problems. These could be problems of any type – such as difficulties faced at school, at home, or with friends. Problem solving can also be used to help with upsetting thoughts, feelings and behaviours.


For Schools

POD Adventures is part of Sangath’s PRIDE school mental health programme. It was developed as part of a research initiative launched in 2016 by Sangath in collaboration with Harvard Medical School, University of Sussex and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). Since 2016 PRIDE has been implemented in 20 Government run or aided schools in Delhi and Goa providing mental health sensitization to more than 10000 students and counselling and coaching to more than 500 students in classes 9-12.

POD Adventures provides schools with an accessible way to offer  evidence-based psychological support to their students. Through using the POD Adventures app for about 30 minutes per week over a month, students can learn problem-solving skills, cope better with life difficulties  and improve their mental health. POD Adventures can  be integrated seamlessly alongside existing educational  activities  and other counselling  services with little or no additional burden to student time-tables or staff work-loads.

The app is completely free of cost to schools and to students. 

To learn more, please email 


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